WDI Schedule & Syllabus

Please submit this form after you are done with evening homework activities (challenges/labs/readings/tutorials).

Week 10

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Mock Interviews Linked Lists I Linked Lists II Mock Interviews
Module 1 Intro to Angular (Challenges) Adam Angular Routing (Challenges) Adam ngResource Juliana Review Briana/Cameron Weekend Project
Module 2 Angular Directives Juliana/Briana $http Cameron/Juliana Custom Angular Directives Adam/Cameron Angular Weekend Project Weekend Project
Evening Tutorials Angular Routing Tutorial Angular Custom Directive Tutorial Complete All Challenges from the Week Weekend Project Weekend Project

Week 9

Project 2

Week 8

Group Practice Project

Week 7

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Intro Trees Build a Tree with OOP Depth First Search Breadth First Search
Module 1 RDBs & SQL intro Active Record Queries & Validations Authentication: Signup Rails Asset Pipeline Review
Module 2 SQL continued: Joins Active Record Associations Authentication: Login/Logout Testing
Evening Tutorials read/try Active Record, and continue Apartment Lab

Week 6

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Find Most Common Word in String Regex Concepts: Stacks & Queues Stacks Queues
Module 1 Project Pairing Intro to Ruby Ruby OOP Intro Rails Resources Review
Module 2 Project Pairing Continued Ruby Methods Intro Rails Rails Resources Continued
Evening Tutorials Intro to Ruby Prepare for tomorrow! REQUIRED: Intro to Rails Resources</a> // Optional: Rails Resources, Models, Templating Reading: 7 Things I Wish I Knew About Rails & explore Rails Guides -- Tutorials Writeup see Weekend Lab Writeup

Week 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Presentations
Module 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Presentations
Module 2 Pushing to Heroku Project 1 Hiding ENV Variables Project 1 Project 1 Presentations
Tutorials Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1
Evening Readings

Note: Stand-up groups will meet EVERY morning this week at 9:17am SHARP!!

Reminder: Project 1 Requirements

Week 4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Vocab Building Bubble Sort Iterators Iterators II 1:1 Project Meetings
Module 1 MongoDB & Mongoose Mongo Relationships Auth with Bcrypt Review Review
Module 2 Mongo & Mongoose Continued Intro Auth Review Review // Project 1 Intro Project 1
Tutorials Add Mongo/Mongoose to Project 0 Mongoose Relationships Auth Lab Make Project 1 Plan Project 1
Evening Readings Mongo Docs (*1) Salted Password Hashing (*2)
  1. Read these sections: "Model One-to-One Relationships with Embedded Documents", "Model One-to-Many Relationships with Embedded Documents", "Model One-to-Many Relationships with Document References"

  2. Read these sections: "What is password hashing?", "How Hashes are Cracked", "Adding Salt"

Week 3

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Intro Big O Fibonacci Merge Two Arrays Merge Sort Review
Module 1 Intro APIs RESTful Routes with CRUD CR (create, read) with Node/Express Nested Resources Review
Module 2 APIs & AJAX (GET & POST Requests) Intro Frameworks (Node & Express) UD (update, delete) with Node/Express Automated Testing with JavaScript Weekend Lab
Tutorials Spotify Search App Express Project API with Node/Express Write Tests for API Weekend Lab
Evening Readings API Best Practices // YouTube API HTTP Reading Difference between Unit, Integration, and Functional Testing The MEAN Stack Getting Started with MongoDB & Node

Week 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Arrays & Objects JS Constructors JS Prototypes Prototypal Inheritance NO CLASS
Module 1 DOM & jQuery Underscore Templating Object-Oriented Programming OOP & Inheritance NO CLASS
Module 2 DOM & jQuery Continued Bootstrap JS OOP & Modeling Continued Project Planning // Intro Project 0 NO CLASS
Evening Tutorial To Do Lab To Do with Underscore To Do with OOP Project 0
Evening Tutorial Client-Side Templating Intro to OOP Inheritance and the Prototype Chain // How to Start a Project Intro to APIs

Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interview Prep Intro Functions
Module 1 Orientation Terminal, Sublime, GitHub JS Data Types JS Functions Review
Module 2 What is the internet? HTML/CSS Review & Bootstrap JS Control Flow Changing the DOM with JS Weekend Lab - Tic Tac Toe
Evening Tutorial Installfest & Internet Reading Portfolio Lab Control Flow Lab Adding DOM Events to Portfolio Site Weekend Lab - Tic Tac Toe