Angular Directives Challenges

Explain when to use Angularjs directives.
Find appropriate built-in directives through online resources.
Practice using common directives:
... show and hide data with ng-hide.
... filter data in an ng-repeat with a custom filter.
... pluralize words with ng-pluralize.
... insert partial templates with ng-include.
... validate input with ng-submit.

Base Challenges

Goal: Build out this morning's todo app to gather and display richer data about todos, in a more user-friendly format.

  1. Pluralize the message for your todo count. e.g. "You have 4 things to do." or "You have nothing to do."
  2. Add an attribute called created_at to your todos and use the date filter to display this time in a format like "posted on Monday April 24, 2015". Hint: use new Date().
  3. Move your todo formatting into a partial, and use the ng-include directive to format todos as you iterate over them.

Goal: Update your todo input to properly submit a form through Angularjs and validate user data.

  1. Update your todo form to use an actual <form> with ng-submit.
  2. Require the user to input a todo.title, and disable the form submit button if the title is not valid. Hint: todo.title.$invalid.

Goal: Allow users to mark todos as completed, and visually distinguish between complete and incomplete todos.

  1. Add a boolean attribute called completed to each todo.
  2. Make a button for each todo that, when clicked, sets the completed value of that todo to true.
  3. Use the directive ng-class to conditionally set a class that strikes through a todo's title and turns the todo's text grey if that todo is completed. Hint: Look up the ng-class docs.

Stretch Challenges

Create categories of todos, or kinds of todos, and let the user filter down to see only one kind of todo at a time.

Goal: Set up kinds of todos.

  1. Add an attribute to your todos that gives each todo a kind, and decide 2-3 kinds of todos your users might have.
  2. Add a radio button to your new todo form that allows the user to pick one of the existing kinds for the new todo.

Goal: Allow the user to filter the kinds of todos displayed.

  1. Use filter to display only one kind of todo on the page.
  2. Add a radio button selector where the user will be able to select which kind of todos to view. Include an "All" button that displays all todos.
  3. Instead of a radio button, convert to a checklist where the user can select one or more kinds of todos to display.

Goal: Allow the user to create their own kinds/categories of todos.

  1. Add a new form that lets the user add new kinds. Validate that the user is not adding blank kinds.
  2. Validate that the user is not adding a kind that already exists.
  3. When a user adds a kind, make that kind available as a selectable radio button on the new todo form.