Authentication with Express & Bcrypt

Implement a password authentication strategy with bcrypt
Saved a logged-in user's data to the session
Implement routes for a user to /login and /logout

Authentication & Authorization

  • Authentication verifies that a user is who they say they are. When a user logs into our site, we authenticate them by checking that the password they typed in matches the password we have stored for them.
  • Authorization is the process of determining whether or not a user has permission to to perform certain actions on our site. For example, a user may be authorized to view their profile page and edit their own blog posts, but not to edit another user's blog posts.

Why do we hash (and salt) passwords?

In order to authenticate a user, we need to store their password in our database. This allows us to check that the user typed in the correct password when logging into our site.

The downside is that if anyone ever got access to our database, they would also have access to all of our users' login information. We use a hashing algorithm</a> to avoid storing plain-text passwords in the database. We also use a salt to randomize the hashing algorithm, providing extra security against potential attacks.

Implementing Authentication

To give users the ability to sign up and log in to our site, we'll need:

  • Express: for building our application and handling requests
  • Middleware:
    • body-parser: for handling incoming form data
    • express-session: for setting sessions and cookies
  • Mongoose Models: for CRUD-ing users and setting up authentication methods
  • bcrypt: for hashing users' passwords

Challenges: Part 1

Goal: Create a new Node/Express project.

  1. In the terminal, initialize a new Node project, and install express and body-parser.

    $ mkdir simple_login
    $ cd simple_login
    $ npm init
    $ npm install --save express body-parser
    $ touch server.js
  2. Open your project in Sublime, and set up your server in server.js with the following code snippet:

    // server.js
    // require express framework and additional modules
    var express = require('express'),
     app = express(),
     bodyParser = require('body-parser');
    // middleware
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));
    // signup route with placeholder response
    app.get('/signup', function (req, res) {
     res.send('coming soon');
    // listen on port 3000
    app.listen(3000, function () {
     console.log('server started on locahost:3000');
  3. In the terminal, run nodemon and make sure your server starts without any errors. If you get an error, read the line number and error message. Most likely, you're trying to use an undefined variable or a module that's not installed.

    $ nodemon

    Note: Keep nodemon running the entire time you're developing your application. When you need to execute other terminal commands, press command + T to open a new terminal tab.

Challenges: Part 2

Goal: Write a UserSchema and define a User model.

  1. In the terminal, create a new directory for models and create a file for your User model.

    $ mkdir models
    $ touch models/user.js
  2. Also in the terminal, install mongoose and bcrypt.

    $ npm install --save mongoose bcrypt
  3. In Sublime, open user.js and require your newly installed dependencies, mongoose and bcrypt.

    // user.js
    // require dependencies
    var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
     Schema = mongoose.Schema,
     bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
     salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10);

    NOTE: bcrypt's genSaltSync function provides the salt we'll use to randomize the hashing algorithm.

  4. Also in user.js, write your UserSchema. Users should have the properties email and passwordDigest.

    // user.js
    // define user schema
    var UserSchema = new Schema({
     email: String,
     passwordDigest: String
  5. Continuing in user.js, define a User model using your UserSchema and export the model (so we can require it in other parts of our application).

    // user.js
    // define user model
    var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
    // export user model
    module.exports = User;

Challenges: Part 3

Goal: Define user authentication methods for our UserSchema.

  1. In user.js, define methods for our UserSchema. These methods handle creating a user with a secure (hashed) password and authenticating a user.

    Note: We use UserSchema.statics to define static methods</a> for our schema and UserSchema.methods to define instance methods for our schema. Static methods can hold any functionality related to the collection, while instance methods define functionality related to individual documents in the collection. You can think of instance methods like prototype methods in OOP!

    // user.js
    // create a new user with secure (hashed) password
    UserSchema.statics.createSecure = function (email, password, callback) {
     // `this` references our schema
     // store it in variable `that` because `this` changes context in nested callbacks
     var that = this;
     // hash password user enters at sign up
     bcrypt.genSalt(function (err, salt) {
       bcrypt.hash(password, salt, function (err, hash) {
         // create the new user (save to db) with hashed password
           email: email,
           passwordDigest: hash
         }, callback);
    // authenticate user (when user logs in)
    UserSchema.statics.authenticate = function (email, password, callback) {
     // find user by email entered at log in
     this.findOne({email: email}, function (err, user) {
       // throw error if can't find user
       if (user === null) {
         throw new Error('Can\'t find user with email ' + email);
       // if found user, check if password is correct
       } else if (user.checkPassword(password)) {
         callback(null, user);
    // compare password user enters with hashed password (`passwordDigest`)
    UserSchema.methods.checkPassword = function (password) {
     // run hashing algorithm (with salt) on password user enters in order to compare with `passwordDigest`
     return bcrypt.compareSync(password, this.passwordDigest);

    Note: Make sure your static and instance methods come before defining and exporing the User model. Setting and exporting the User model should be the last pieces of logic in user.js to make sure the authentication methods get added to the model and exported.

Challenges: Part 4

Goal: Add a route to create users with secure (hashed) passwords.

  1. In server.js, require mongoose and your User model.

    // server.js
    var express = require('express'),
       app = express(),
       bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
       // new additions
       mongoose = require('mongoose'),
       User = require('./models/user');
  2. Also in server.js, connect to your test database.

    // server.js
    // connect to mongodb
  3. Continuing in server.js add a POST /users route to accept user sign up requests.

    // server.js
    // user submits the signup form'/users', function (req, res) {
     // grab user data from params (req.body)
     var newUser = req.body.user;
     // create new user with secure password
     User.createSecure(, newUser.password, function (err, user) {
  4. At this point, your complete server.js code should look like the following:

    // server.js
    // require express framework and additional modules
    var express = require('express'),
     app = express(),
     bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
     mongoose = require('mongoose'),
     User = require('./models/user');
    // connect to mongodb
    // middleware
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));
    // signup route with placeholder response
    app.get('/signup', function (req, res) {
     res.send('coming soon');
    // user submits the signup form'/users', function (req, res) {
     // grab user data from params (req.body)
     var newUser = req.body.user;
     // create new user with secure password
     User.createSecure(, newUser.password, function (err, user) {
    // listen on port 3000
    app.listen(3000, function () {
     console.log('server started on locahost:3000');
  5. Test your POST /users route with Postman. Check that it creates a new user with a secure (hashed) password.

    Note: Make sure you have nodemon and mongod running. Double-check the params you enter into Postman. They should be user[email] and user[password].

    POST /users

Challenges: Part 5

Goal: Add a route to log in users.

  1. In server.js, add a POST /login route to authenticate a user.

    // server.js
    // user submits the login form'/login', function (req, res) {
     // grab user data from params (req.body)
     var userData = req.body.user;
     // call authenticate function to check if password user entered is correct
     User.authenticate(, userData.password, function (err, user) {
  2. Test your POST /login route with Postman by trying to log in the user you created in Part 5. Check that it sends the authenticated user as a response. Again, your parameters should be user[email] and user[password].

    POST /users

Challenges: Part 6

Goal: Set up sessions and cookies to keep track of logged-in users throughout your app.

  1. In the terminal, install express-session.

    $ npm install --save express-session
  2. In server.js, require express-session and set the session options. Read more about the session options.

    // server.js
    var express = require('express'),
       app = express(),
       bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
       mongoose = require('mongoose'),
       User = require('./models/user'),
       // new addition
       session = require('express-session');
    // middleware (new addition)
    // set session options
     saveUninitialized: true,
     resave: true,
     secret: 'SuperSecretCookie',
     cookie: { maxAge: 60000 }
  3. Now that you have express-session set up, define the middleware req.login, req.currentUser, and req.logout in server.js to manage sessions.

    Note: app.use allows us to define our own middleware and the base path to exectue that middleware. Since our base path is /, this middleware will be executed with every request. You can think of this "session" middleware as helper functions that we have access to in every request to our server.

    // server.js
    // middleware to manage sessions
    app.use('/', function (req, res, next) {
     // saves userId in session for logged-in user
     req.login = function (user) {
       req.session.userId =;
     // finds user currently logged in based on `session.userId`
     req.currentUser = function (callback) {
       User.findOne({_id: req.session.userId}, function (err, user) {
         req.user = user;
         callback(null, user);
     // destroy `session.userId` to log out user
     req.logout = function () {
       req.session.userId = null;
       req.user = null;

Challenges: Part 7

Goal: Refactor the POST /login route to set the session and redirect to a user profile page.

  1. After authenticating a user, log them in by calling req.login(user), and redirect to the user's profile page. In server.js, your POST /login route should now look like this:

    // server.js
    // user submits the login form'/login', function (req, res) {
     // grab user data from params (req.body)
     var userData = req.body.user;
     // call authenticate function to check if password user entered is correct
     User.authenticate(, userData.password, function (err, user) {
       // saves user id to session
       // redirect to user profile
  2. In the step above, we're redirecting to a route called /profile, which we don't have yet, so go ahead and set it up in server.js. For now, our profile route will respond with a welcome message.

    // server.js
    // user profile page
    app.get('/profile', function (req, res) {
     // finds user currently logged in
     req.currentUser(function (err, user) {
       res.send('Welcome ' +;
  3. Test POST /login again with Postman, this time making sure you see the welcome message response from the redirect to /profile.

    POST /users

Challenges: Part 8

Goal: Set up a login view to test your login functionality in the browser.

  1. In the terminal, make a public directory, a views directory (inside public), and a view called login.html.

    $ mkdir public
    $ cd public
    $ mkdir views
    $ touch views/login.html
  2. In Sublime, open login.html and add this login form boilerplate.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     <!-- bootstrap css -->
     <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
     <title>Simple Login</title>
     <div class="container text-center">
       <div class="row">
         <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
           <h1>Log In</h1>
           <!-- method and action refer to the request type (post) and request url (/login) -->
           <form method="post" action="/login">
             <div class="form-group">
               <!-- the `name` HTML attribute sends form data to the server -->
               <!-- setting the names `user[email]` and `user[password]` allows us to use `req.body.user` on the server-side, which gives us a user object with `email` and `password` keys -->
               <input type="text" name="user[email]" class="form-control" placeholder="Email" autofocus>
             <div class="form-group">
               <input type="password" name="user[password]" class="form-control" placeholder="Password">
             <div class="form-group">
               <input type="submit" value="Log In" class="btn btn-primary">
  3. Now that the login view is ready, it's time for a login route. In server.js, set up GET /login to render the login view.

    // server.js
    // login route (renders login view)
    app.get('/login', function (req, res) {
     res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/views/login.html');
  4. Test that you can go to localhost:3000/login and successfully log in your user that you created via Postman. After logging in, you should be redirected to /profile with the welcome message response.

    POST /users

Stretch Challenges

  1. Right now, the GET /signup route has a placeholder response. Refactor the route to render a signup view. Hint: The signup view will have a form similar to the login view.

  2. Test that a new user can sign up via the form on the signup page.

  3. After a new user signs up, redirect them to /login. Test the user-flow of signing up, then logging in. After logging in, the user should still be redirected to /profile with the welcome message response.

  4. Create a route GET /logout that uses the req.logout middleware to destroy the session. Add a link on your site that logs out the user.

  5. The req.currentUser middleware finds the user who is currently logged in. Use req.currentUser to authorize parts of your site.

    • Logged-in users should NOT be able to see the /signup or /login pages.
    • Users should only be able to see /profile when logged in.

    Hint: You'll need to add some logic when calling req.currentUser to check if a logged-in user was found. You'll want to use res.redirect if a user tries to perform an unauthorized action.