Control Flow Challenge Solutions

Basic Challenges

  1. Which of the following are truthy values? (hint: try if("abc"){"console.log('I'm truthy!')"} in the JS console). truthy: 1, "abc", [], {}, -1, (1+1), 3.14159, Object falsey: "", 0

  2. Log to the console "This is awesome!" 25 times.

     for (var i=0; i<25; i++){
         console.log("This is awesome!");
  3. Create a snippet inside of developer tools. Create snippets to do the rest of the challenges.

  4. In your snippet, create a new variable that is an array of 4 phrases: Howdy there, OMG, javascript, and Pair Programming.

    var phrases = ["Howdy there", "OMG", "javascript", "Pair Programming"];

  5. Loop over the array and console log each phrase.

     for (var i=0; i<phrases.length; i++){
  6. Loop over the array and log each phrase to the console if its total length is 4 or longer. Otherwise, console log that the phrase is too short.

     for (var i=0; i<phrases.length; i++){
         if (phrases[i].length >= 4){
         } else {
             console.log("Phrase " + phrases[i] + " is too short!");
  1. Come up with three different ways to break a for loop that result in three different errors. What three different errors did you get?

     for (var i=0; i<10; i--){
         console.log("This loop never ends!");
     for (var i=0; i>10; i++){
         console.log("This loop's continue starts out false.")
         console.log("So code inside this loop is never executed!");
     for (var i=0; i>10; i++){
         // Only functions can return.
         // Since this for loop isn't inside a function,
         // we get this error message:
         // "Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement"
         return i;
  2. Jimmy loves roller coasters, but there are a bunch of rules (ugh!) for riding:

    For starters, it costs 5 tokens. Here's how we might code that:

     var tokens = 3; // Jimmy's tokens
     // Can he ride?
     if ( tokens >= 5 ) {
         console.log("Step right up!");
     } else {
         console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");

    Edit the code above to check the following additional Requirements:

    a. Must be at least 4ft tall

     var tokens = 3; // Jimmy's tokens
     var height; // Jimmy's height in feet
     // Can he ride?
     if ( tokens >= 5 && height >= 4) {
         console.log("Step right up!");
     } else {
         console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");

    b. Must be at least 12 years old

     var tokens = 3; // Jimmy's tokens
     var height; // Jimmy's height in feet
     var age; // Jimmy's age in years
     // Can he ride?
     if ( tokens >= 5 && height >= 4 && age >=12) {
         console.log("Step right up!");
     } else {
         console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");
c. Replace the prevoius rule: now riders under 12 must be accompanied by an adult

var tokens = 3; // Jimmy's tokens
var height;     // Jimmy's height in feet
var age;         // Jimmy's age in years
var hasAdult;     // bool - does Jimmy have an adult?

// Can he ride?
if ( tokens >= 5 && height >= 4 ) {
    if (age >= 12 || hasAdult){
        console.log("Step right up!");
    } else {
        console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");
} else {
    console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");

d. (If the boss isn't looking, you can sneak in!)

var tokens = 3; // Jimmy's tokens
var height;     // Jimmy's height in feet
var age;         // Jimmy's age in years
var hasAdult;     // bool - does Jimmy have an adult?
var isLooking;     // bool - is the boss looking?

// Can he ride?
if (!isLooking){
    console.log("Step right up!");
} else {
    if ( tokens >= 5 && height >= 4 ) {
        if (age >= 12 || hasAdult){
            console.log("Step right up!");
        } else {
            console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");
    } else {
        console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");

e. Riders with a park pass get in free.

var tokens = 3; // Jimmy's tokens
var height;     // Jimmy's height in feet
var age;         // Jimmy's age in years
var hasAdult;     // bool - does Jimmy have an adult?
var isLooking;     // bool - is the boss looking?
var hasPass;     // bool - does Jimmy have a park pass?

// Can he ride?
if (!isLooking){
    console.log("Step right up!");
} else {
    if ( (tokens >= 5 || hasPass) && height >= 4 ) {
        if (age >= 12 || hasAdult){
            console.log("Step right up!");
        } else {
            console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");
    } else {
        console.log("Sorry, you can't ride.");

Stretch Challenges

  1. In a snippet, create a new variable that is an array containing 5 objects, each of which has the keys name and age. You can make up the names and ages for your objects.

     var pets = [
         { name: "Abra", age: 2 },
         { name: "Benji", age: 4 },
         { name: "Chairman Meow", age: 14 },
         { name: "Dandelion", age: 1 },
         { name: "Evie", age: 6 }
  2. Log to the console the name value of each object.

     for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
         // or
         // console.log(pets[i].name);
  1. Create and log an array with the age of each object in months (assume the original ages were in years).

     var petAges = [];
     for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
         // or
         // petAges.push(pets[i].age*12);
  1. Find and log the sum of the ages.

     var sum = 0;
     for (var i=0; i<petAges.length; i++){
         sum = sum + petAges[i];  // or sum += petAges[i]
  2. Log to the console only the name of the oldest person.

     // pets are people too >.<
     var oldest = pets[0]; // start by assuming first pet is oldest
     for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
         if (pets[i].age > oldest.age){  // or pets[i]["age"], oldest["age"]
             oldest = pets[i];     // update when assumption is proven false
     console.log(;  // or oldest["name"]
  3. Log to the console the index of each element in the array.

     for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
  1. Create and log an array containing only the objects with an age over 20.

    var oldPets = [];
    for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
        if (pets[i]["age"] > 20){  // or pets[i].age
  2. Create and log an array of all the names, in which any names that begin with a consonant are upper case.

    var consonants = ["b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "z"];
    // or var consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz".split("");
    var names = [];
    for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
        if (consonants.indexOf(pets[i]["name"]) === -1){  // or pets[i].name
        } else {
  3. Create and log an array that is the original array in a random order.

    Note: A good algorithm is Fisher-Yates, which is not the algorithm below.

    var shuffledPets = [];
    // start off by copying everything into the new array
    // so we don't mess up the order of pets
    for (var i=0; i<pets.length; i++){
        shuffledPets.push({ name: pets[i]["name"], age: pets[i]["age"]});
    var temp;
    for (var i=0; i<shuffledPets.length; i++){
        // swap shuffledPets[i] with pet at a random other index from the rest of the array
        temp = shuffledPets[i];
        randIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*(shuffledPets.length));
        shuffledPets[i] = shuffledPets[randIndex];
        shuffledPets[randIndex] = temp;