To Do Lab (OOP Refactor)

Objective: Refactor your existing To Do App to use constructor functions. Feel free to reference the existing To Do App solutions to get started.


  1. All todos should be created with a constructor function
    • The constructor should accept title and description
  2. The ToDo constructor should have a property all
    • all should be an array of toDo's
    • Hint: all should be set directly on the ToDo constructor, NOT on new instances of ToDo
  3. The ToDo prototype should have a save method that adds the toDo to ToDo.all
  4. The Todo prototype should have a render function
    • render should use underscore templates
    • Calling render should append the toDo to the page
  5. Submit the link to your To Do app repo in the homework submission form
  6. Read about Inheritance and the Prototype Chain to prepare for tomorrow morning's module and How to Start a Project to prepare for Project 0