Intro to jQuery and the DOM

Get comfortable with Chrome Developer Tools and the Console
Select elements from the page using CSS Selectors
Perform basic DOM manipulations using jQuery

Analogy (What?)

  • HTML = Skeleton
  • Javascript = Muscles, Brain, and Organs
  • CSS = Skin and Clothes


Chrome Developer Tools

Please take a quick look at the following documentation for the Chrome Developer Console, specifically the Elements tab, and the Console tab (Max 20 minutes). This is one of the most important tools in your developer toolbelt.

What is the DOM?

DOM stands for Document Object Model. It's a fancy way of describing what's going on in your browser when you visit a website. You may think that a website is just a chunk of html, css, and javscript. But between it being pure data (text), and it being a rendered page that you can explore, there's an important intermediate step. It turns out that everything you interact with inside of your browser can be represented as a javascript object. For example, this paragraph is an object, and it's full of information about being an html p tag.

Intro to jQuery

jQuery is just JavaScript! It was invented in 2005 and has made our lives as developers better ever since.

We use jQuery because it's:

  • Convenient: solves problems developers commonly face.
  • Less Buggy: ensures javascript DOM manipulation works the same, cross-browser.
  • Modern: brings javascript DOM manipulation into the 21st century.
  • Popular: 26.95% of all sites use jQuery! (see

But some would argue, you might not need jQuery! It can be overkill, depending on what you're doing!

How to get jQuery

You can only use jQuery if it's included in your page.

The quickest way to include jQuery in your project is to grab the jQuery library using a "CDN" (a blazing fast "content delivery network") and dropping it into a script tag in the head of your html (just google "jQuery cdn" and copy paste!):

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <!-- Nothing here yet! -->

Sites like:,, and (!) all include the jQuery library on their page. This means all you have to do is open up your Chrome Developer Console on one of those sites, and you can start playing with jQuery on the page!

jQuery is just Javascript

Everything you do in jQuery can be done in pure/vanilla javascript.

Take a look at the raw jquery library (it's just a bunch of javascript!).

Check out this Comparison of jQuery and plain old JavaScript (5 min)

Using jQuery

You know you're working with jQuery any time you see a $ in your code.

As you're working with jQuery to manipulate DOM elements, you are almost always either getting or setting a value. Memorize this pattern:

  • $("CSS Selector").someJqueryMethodName() - getting a value
  • $("CSS Selector").someJqueryMethodName(setterValue) - setting a value

For example, if you are viewing this readme on, then you can try the following in your Chrome Developer Console:

  • $('article').text() -- get the text of the readme (it lives inside of an article tag)
  • $('article').text("Boo!") -- set the text of the readme to "Boo!"


Let's try another:

  • $('article').css("background-color") -- get the background color
  • $('article').css("background-color", "blue") -- set the background color to blue.


Check out the .text() and .css() methods in the jQuery API Documentation: text, css.

  • Pay close attention in the documentation: there's one section that talks about how to "get" text, and there's another section that talks about how to "set" text.
  • .text() and .css() are not native javascript methods! They only work on jQuery-wrapped DOM Elements (that's what that $ is doing).

For more cool DOM manipulation tricks, you'll need to hit the docs:

The more you struggle with this kind of documentation, the stronger your coding-chops will become!
