GA logo Project 0 - Microblog


Imagine you want to let people write really short public blog posts. The homepage of your microblog app should be a list of these micro-posts with a form to add a new one.

Basic Requirements

Concepts Tools Object Types
User Stories, OOP Underscore, Bootstrap, jQuery, Git, Kanban Board Post
  1. Make your basic user narrative, schema drawing, and Kanban board. These are required!
  2. Start by creating a basic project and push to a public repo. Make frequent commits and pushes (every hour or so). Include a very, VERY short that outlines what your app does and the libraries you are using.
  3. Make your initial layout. Use default Bootstrap classes with minimal custom CSS.
  4. Make a list of posts using Underscore.js templates and jQuery (and Object Oriented Programming!).
  5. Make a form to add new posts to the list using Underscore.js templates and jQuery.
  6. Be sure to comment your code, and make the code clean (mind spacing and indentation).

Stretch Challenges (optional)

  • Add a count of how many posts have been posted that updates every time a new post is created.
  • Add a Bootstrap JS component like a tooltip.
  • Add more custom CSS to make it very beautiful :)
  • Add Model object that saves posts to localStorage.
  • Add comments on posts.

Submit by Monday Morning 9:09am

Push your project to a public repo, and share the link in this form.